Thursday, December 26, 2013

For Jessica

About three years ago, four women from totally different backgrounds were brought together forming a very close friendship. We have walked together, laughed uncontrollably together, celebrated together, cried together and mourned together.  At a time in our lives where time is scarce, time was somehow made for each other.   We were glued together by God at a time we all needed friendship.  With our differences, only God could have created a bond like ours.

We recently got news that one of our four was going to be moving away from Memphis to Knoxville.  The thought of her leaving was so sad, but we knew we would keep our friendships going even with the distance. Everything was in place with the move and prayers had been answered.

But, as with many times in our life, the unexpected has happened.  Tomorrow this dear friend, her two beautiful girls, and kind, gracious husband face a very trying time in their lives.  Her husband is undergoing a very intensive heart procedure and the potential risks are very real.  He had this procedure years ago and there were complications back then.  Please pray for this family, they need prayer.

Please pray for peace and comfort for the family.

John 16:33 (ESV)

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation.  But, take heart, I have overcome the world."

Philipians 4:6-7 (ESV) 

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Please pray that they know how much they are loved and are not alone.  Please pray that they have strength.

Joshua 1:9

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.  Do not be frightened,  and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you where ever you go."

Lastly,  please pray for the surgeon and anyone else involved in the procedure.  Please pray that God would guide their hands and minds to ensure a smooth and successful operation.

We thank God for your friendship and the love that you have shown us.  You are such a blessing in our lives and in the lives of many others.  Our hearts are heavy along side you and our tears flow with the love we have for you.  Thank you for letting my family be a part of your family's lives.  I know you are weary and burdened right now.  Find your rest in Christ.  He promises you will find it there.

In Christ,


Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I am a really good starter.  I like to start projects that never get completed.  Ask my husband, I will get a whim and do everything in my power to convince him why it's a good idea.

The shelves in our office are FILLED with books that have great material in chapters one through about four. Don't ask me about beyond that because I couldn't tell you, I have never finished them.

Out of the gates I am a go getter.  Those who know me know I was a decent soccer player.  When I had to chase down a ball against an opponent, I would usually get there first and I was usually confident I would get there first.  If I was in good shape, I would have one of the fastest times in a mile or two timed run.

But the thought of running a marathon totally freaks me out.

The training, the preparation, the commitment, the perseverance, the pain....  I'm sure that I could go and on  had I ever experienced one myself.  We have all seen the stickers that show how far a person has run 26.2, 13.1, etc. My husband has a sticker on his car that says
Of course that's a joke and people laugh when they see it , but it makes me think of my own spiritual walk. 

Endurance is something that I struggle with.  I lose heart and many times I give up.  In the bible we are called to persevere and we are called to endure.  

Hebrews 12:1-2
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

What about you?   If you had a sticker on your car to reflect your endurance spiritually what number would you show?  Are you persevering?  Are you enduring?  Do you even run at all?

Why are we told in Hebrews to look to Jesus?  Other translations tell us to fix our eyes on Jesus.

Hebrews 12:4
Consider him who from sinners endured such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.

We fix our eyes on Jesus, so we do not grow weary or fainthearted.  So we can endured like we are called to do. 

Maybe like me you prefer short term sprints.  You are on fire for God for a short length of time, and then the next thing you know it's been two weeks since you read your bible.  Perhaps you blame it on your husband because he keeps moving yours around and you can't find it. (I'm guilty of that one.)  Maybe it's your kids, your job, your house, and so on.  Excuses are so easy to come by, but giving God your time?  We can give it to everyone and everything else in our lives, but it's a good day if we can spare Him five minutes. You become distracted, things get out of perspective and you struggle to keep your mind on Jesus even at church on Sunday.  How can we endure without fixing our eyes on Christ?  In the fallen world that we live in filled with sin, death, sickness and pain how do we sustain without Him?

The times in my life where I am the weariest and the most frustrated are the times I take my eyes off the cross.  Instead of fixing my eyes on Jesus, I fix them on myself.

Maybe you feel extremely distant from Jesus in a time you should feel closest to Him.

Maybe during this time of year that's supposed to be about Jesus has turned into a time about you. As a result you are stressed out or have dug a financial hole by overspending.

Maybe you have received some really tough news over the holidays and don't know what to do with it.  

Fix your eyes on Jesus who endured the cross for the joy set before Him.  Refocus your vision on Him, why He came and what He did for us.

I posted a poem the other day and I will leave you with the end of it.

December 25th was the day our Savior was born,
God loves us so much He came down in human form.
Jesus was blameless, sinless, and perfect,
He died for our sins even though we didn't deserve it.

This Christmas focus on the only one worthy of our love and our praise,

Christ the Messiah, who came to save.
The bible tells us to repent and put our trust in Him,
To receive the amazing gift of His mercy and grace.

In Christ,

Saturday, December 14, 2013

What to Expect

Thank you so much to those of you who have gone online and ordered my books!  I really appreciate your support.  These stories would be great as a stocking stuffer for your children or a present for Christmas.

Here is the link to Amazon to purchase the books.  Amazon automatically charges for shipping on both books even if you order them together.  When you purchase both stories you will automatically receive a discount on The Bogdown Pond that is equal to that second shipping amount.  

I wanted to take a minute to tell you what to expect from Meet the Leapers and The Bogdown Pond.  I have two young boys at home who are avid fans of Disney, Nick Junior, etc.  Don't get me wrong, shows on these channels are great entertainment and fun shows for us to watch.  When it comes to toys, the latest super hero characters or video games are at the top of their list.  We do watch Veggie Tales, which is a great alternative, but there is a problem with Veggie Tales. 

 I think the creator of Veggie Tales, Phil Vischer said it best in an article in WORLD Magazine, "I looked back at the previous 10 years and realized I had spent 10 years trying to convince kids to behave Christianly without actually teaching them Christianity,  And that was a pretty serious conviction.  You can say, "Hey kids, be more forgiving because the Bible says so," or "Hey kids, be more kind because the Bible says so!" But that isn't Christianity, it's morality."   Click here to see Phil Vicher's most recent projects.  He is doing some amazing things.

Now, am I saying that The Leapers will be on the same level as say a Veggie Tales or one of the other names I have mentioned?  No. (That would be pretty awesome though...)  My goal with this series is very simple and can be summed up in one sentence.  To point the children and the parents reading these stories to Jesus.  That's it, it's that simple for me.  My books are not about being a good person.  They are not going to teach your child how to be a good person.  But, they will point your children to the cross and the need we all have for a Savior.  

There are bible verses in my first two books.  There will be bible verses in the books to come.  At the end of each book the bible verse or verses mentioned will be listed as memory verses to teach your children. Here are three verses supporting the importance of knowing scripture.  It teaches us, trains us, sustains us, protects us and so on.  We need to know God's word and we need to teach it to our children.

2 Timothy 3:16 
"All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness."

Matthew 4:4 
But he answered, "It is written, "' Man cannot live on bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God,"'

Proverbs 6:21-22
Bind them on your heart always; tie them around your neck.  When you walk, they will lead you; when you lie down, they will watch over you; and when you awake; they will talk with you.

The second thing you will find in my books are Daddy Leaper's Leap Higher Questions.  These questions are designed to get your children thinking about what they just heard and to point them to Jesus. 

I will leave you with one of my favorite illustrations created by Scott R. Strub.  Scott is amazing to work with and brought my frogs to life!  Here is a link to his website in case anyone needs an illustrator.

In Christ,

Friday, December 13, 2013

Get Your Books!

A Gordon Christmas Tale

Twas twelve days before Christmas and at the Gordon house,
A creature was stirring, but it wasn't a mouse! 
Father's car was filled with boxes from bumper to bumper, 
Inside them stories of a frog family written by Mother.

The office was turned into a shipping and packing station,
For the Gordons there would be no Christmas vacation.
Envelopes had been purchased, promotions created with care,
In hopes that a sell out soon would occur.

There has been doubt through this process, paired with many tears,
Temptation to throw in the towel which was sprouted by fear.
Answered by countless words of encouragement and love from all of you,
And the promises of our mighty God that always are true.

Now dash away, dash away, dash away all
But, I am not telling you to head to the mall!
You can get Meet The Leapers and The Bogdown Pond,
From the comfort of your very own home!

Leave my blog page for now, but be sure to come back,
For updates on more stories, a little of this and a little of that.
Here's the link to Amazon
Order both and get a discount on book two equal to shipping.

One last thing before I go, that I hope you will remember 
This season isn't about Santa and his pack of reindeer.
It's not about your elf on the shelf, or presents under the tree,
But, those things are nice and please enjoy them with your family.

December 25th was the day our Savior was born,
God loves us so much He came down in human form.
Jesus was blameless, sinless, and perfect,
He died for our sins even though we didn't deserve it.

This Christmas focus on the only one worthy of our love and our praise,
Christ the Messiah, who came to save.
The bible tells us to repent and put our trust in Him,
To receive the amazing gift of His mercy and grace.

Luke 2:1-20

Merry Christmas to all of you!!!  I really hope that you enjoy the books.  I humbly ask that if you enjoy them please pass along the word and post a review on Amazon.

If you don't wish to go through Amazon and are local please feel free to email me your order at  The cost for both books together is $20 and I would be happy to meet you with your books. This will also save on shipping costs.

In Christ,